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Stefano Morelli

Freelance computer consultant with twenty years experience in programming and teaching.


For nearly twenty years I am, in particular in the following areas: programming, education (classroom management information and educational networks), training facilities at various levels. Over the years I have acquired different experience ranging from public to private and small to large business, covering various positions even within work teams playing autonomous projects.


  • Courses - The experience with training facilities (at various levels) enabled me to develop the ability to communicate effectively and clearly with any interlocutor and any issue is proposed, to be available at the comparison and research new solutions; baggage indispensable for the other sectors.
  • Programming - The programming work is complementary courses, the experience gained on the one hand back to the other and vice versa completing the job profile.
    Knowledge of different languages and different environments helps to find the most appropriate solution to address the problems that arise.
  • Networks - The implementation and management of networks are often the basis of academic and programming and allow to study situations and solutions whenever different and interesting.

Nulla dies sine linea.

Nessun giorno senza una linea.